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f?llen k?nnen sich auch menschen anstecken. weltweit wurden bisher ¨¹ber solcher f?lle festgestellt, die meisten in asien. fast menschen starben. die meisten hatten beruflich mit gefl¨¹gel zu tun.¨¹bertragen wird die seuche von tier zu tier durch direkte ber¨¹hrung, ¨¹ber kot, speichel und tr?nenfl¨¹ssigkeit oder ¨¹ber kontakt mit infiziertem material wie transportkisten oder eierkartons. bei starker staubentwicklung ist auch eine indirekte ansteckung ¨¹ber die luft m?glich.symptomeapdie zeit von der infektion bis zum ausbruch der krankheit betr?gt meist bis tage. oft treten hohes fieber, atemwegsprobleme, schwarzf?rbung von kamm und kehllappen, mattigkeit,moncler mantel, fressunlust, verminderte legeleistung und durchfall auf. die tiere k?nnen aber auch pl?tzlich tot umfallen oder ersticken.gefahr f¨¹r menschenapforscher sind besorgt, dass hn mutieren k?nnte, bis es von mensch zu mensch ¨¹bertragbar ist. neuere forschungsergebnisse best?tigen diese bef¨¹rchtung: der subtyp hn, der von bis als spanische grippe grassierte und bis zu millionen tote forderte, war ein reines vogelvirus, das sich an den menschen angepasst hat. denkbar ist auch eine doppelinfektion eines menschen oder eines schweins mit menschlichen und tierischen erregern. dabei k?nnte sich eine virusvariante bilden, die eine verheerende weltweite seucheeine sogenannte pandemieausl?sen k?nnte.behandlungzwei medikamente k?nnen menschen im unwahrscheinlichen fall einer hninfektion helfen: die antiviralen medikamente tamiflu (roche) und relenza (glaxosmithkline). tamiflu gibt es als tablette oder saft, relenza als pulver, das inhaliert wird. sie werden auch neuraminidasehemmer genannt. neuraminidase ist eine eiwei?struktur an der virush¨¹lle. wird diese struktur von den medikamenten blockiert, k?nnen neu gebildete influenzaviren die wirtszelle nicht mehr verlassen und sich daher nicht weiter im k?rper ausbreiten. die deutschen bundesl?nder haben beschlossen, mehr als acht millionen dosen beider medikamente als vorsichtsma?nahme kaufen. sie sollen die monate zwischen einem pandemieausbruch und der entwicklung eines impfstoffs ¨¹berbr¨¹ vietnam starben mehr als v?gel in der provinz bac gianga am virus oder wurden get?tet, wie ein ?rtlicher beh?rdenvertreter am freitag sagte. die beh?rde f¨¹r tiergesundheit erkl?rte, in bac giang wie auch in anderen provinzen sei mit weiteren f?llen von vogelgrippe zu rechnen. die k¨¹hleren temperaturen erleichterten die verbreitung des virus'.der verdacht, ein aus china zur¨¹ckgekehrter australier k?nnte sich mit dem vogelgrippevirus infiziert haben,Moncler m?nner daunenjacke, konnte nach tests ausger?umt werden. der mann litt an kurzatmigkeit und war sicherheitshalber auf die isolierstation eines krankenhauses gebracht worden.annan fordert hilfe f¨¹r bauernunogeneralsekret?r kofi annan fordert angesichts der unabsehbaren gefahren durch die vogelgrippe ein entsch?digungssystem f¨¹r gefl¨¹gelbauern, die ihre tiere durch die krankheit verlieren. wenn sie nicht entsch?digt werden, werden sie ihre kranken tiere nicht melden, sagte annan auf einen gesundheitskongress in new york.der eugesundheitskommissar markos kyprianouwill in der kommenden woche zu gespr?chen ¨¹ber eine bek?mpfung dervogelgrippe nach s¨¹dostasien reisen. das k¨¹ndigte er am freitag inbr¨¹ssel an. kyprianou wird w?hrend der zehnt?gigen reise von sonntag an nacheigenen angaben vietnam, thailand, kambodscha und indonesienbesuchen. er will mit regierungsvertretern ¨¹ber deren jeweiligema?nahmen im kampf das virus sprechen.gesundheitsexperten sind dar¨¹ber besorgt, dass der t?dliche virustyp hn sich in eine von mensch zu mensch leicht ¨¹bertragbare form weiterentwickeln k?nnte. dies k?nnte eine pandemie mit weltweit millionen von todesopfern ausl?sen. bisher sind in asien seit ¨¹ber menschen an hn gestorben,G¨¹nstige Moncler jacken, die engen kontakt mit v?geln hatten. 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Insight Editions' new Harry Potter app for iPad goes behind the scenes of the filmsA burst of 15 apps for your considerationC4 NewsC4 News is the official iPhone and iPad app for Channel 4 News. It will offer catch-up videos from the last week, presenter Jon Snow's daily Snowblog, and on iPad additional special reports and galleries. An Android version is on the way too.iPhone / iPadPhotovinePhotovine is the latest stealthy app project from Google, based around shared photos around single captions (examples being "Warm And Fuzzy", "Double The Chin, Double The Fun" and "I Love Sf"). Users can start their own vines, or join those of others. The service is invite-only for now.iPhoneHarry Potter Film WizardryHarry Potter fans looking to spend another ¡ê7.49 on their addiction will rejoice at the launch of Harry Potter Film Wizardry. It's an iPad book-app focused on the eight Potter movies, with a mixture of photography and artwork, video clips and animations. That includes 3D models of Hogwarts and other locations,Birkenstock Sandals Women, as well as sketches and storyboards. It's the work of book publisher Insight Editions,Fendi Sunglasses, working with ScrollMotion.iPadPanamp - The Music PlayerPanamp is a music app that is aiming to replace the native iPod app on iPhones. Key features include the ability to stack tracks in queues for playing, as well as a nifty cascade view to arrange tracks, and fast search features.iPhoneUltimate Mobile ArmorUS tech firm Safe and Secure Mobile has launched its Ultimate Mobile Armor app for BlackBerry and Android, with iOS, webOS and Symbian to come. Originally created to make President Barack Obama's BlackBerry hack-proof, it's now being made available to a wider audience.Android / BlackBerryWi-Fi FastConnectWi-Fi hotspot network The Cloud has released an Android app to help people get online quickly with their smartphone or tablet at its locations. O2 users can use the app to automatically connect to The Cloud Wi-Fi whenever they come into range, but it works for other mobile operators too.AndroidGQ Style GuideGQ magazine has teamed up with Mr Porter to launch a fashion-focused iPhone app. It promises details on new suits, shirts and shoes, as well as a Style Shrink feature to "diagnose your fashion issues". Facebook, Twitter and email sharing is built in too.iPhoneAR BlitzAR Blitz is an augmented reality game for Android devices,Ecco Charleston Smart Mens, which blends technology from Unity, Qualcomm and OpenFeint. The game itself uses Whack-a-Mole dynamics,Birkenstock Shoes Women, and requires a printed marker to work.AndroidVibopVibop is the latest social video-sharing app for iPhone, with an Android version coming soon too. Going up against apps like Socialcam, it enables users to shoot 30 seconds of video, apply visual effects and quickly share it on Facebook or YouTube.iPhoneBreath BirdBreath Bird is an iPhone Twitter client designed for people with a "hand or finger disability". The idea: the app converts the user's breath into keyboard inputs. It's the work of Japanese developer Techfirm,cheap Birkenstock sandals, working with university academics and rehabilitation centres.iPhoneRoyal Opera HouseThe Royal Opera House has launched its official iPhone app, enabling people to buy tickets for its productions, and browse photos, videos and podcasts. It also hooks into Facebook and Twitter to share details with friends.iPhoneGalaxy on Fire 2 THDFishlabs' critically-acclaimed space adventure Galaxy on Fire 2 has been released in a new version for Android smartphones, optimised for devices using the Tegra GeForce GPU. That means beefier ships and space stations and higher textures on everything.AndroidNoshNosh is a new app for iPhone and Android that focuses on food. The idea: users share photos and details of what they're eating and which restaurant they're in,Birkenstock Sandals Men, to help friends and other users decide where to eat in future.iPhone / AndroidPopcornPopcorn is an intriguing second-screen app for TV fans, which lets them rate shows while watching. Popcorn (the company)'s plan is to then analyse data from all its users to show which parts of shows were liked and disliked.iPhonePocoyo GameboxChildren's TV brand Pocoyo has a new iPad app ¨C a collection of five mini-games with rewards that can be redeemed in the Pocoyo World virtual world.iPadYou can follow Guardian Apps Blog's Apps rush on deliciousTo suggest links, tag articles on delicious with "guardianappsblog" Recent Artcle:
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Jeremy Hardy The Guardian,Saturday 13 May 2000 02.01 BSTI wonder who are the people insulted by the decoration of a likeness of Winston Churchill. What might be the reaction of people old enough to remember him? Old Tories might recall the man who led them to electoral disaster in 1945; but perhaps they have fonder memories of his use of gunboats and soldiers against strikers. Stalinists will remember gleefully how Uncle Joe finagled supremacy over the whole of Eastern Europe from the old drunk, in return for allowing the slaughter of Greek partisans. Of course, Churchill's reputation is inseparable from the second world war,Nike Free Hypertr Trainer, during which he threw everything into holding on to our empire. Bengalis will remember that upwards of 3m of their people starved needlessly after their grain was confiscated and their boats destroyed. But of course the received image of pensioners is one ofwhite people. Old people are never black or gay. They are supposed to be racist and easily shocked, conservative and frightened by anything new, or indeed anything at all, especially crime, which began in the 60s. And they all love Winston Churchill because they love war because the singsongs made up for the carnage. The reality is that people who lived through one or more world wars have every reason to be less militaristic than babyboomers. In fact,Supra Baby, extrapolating wildly from the correspondence Guardian readers send me, I have established that the overwhelming majority of people with progressive and radical views are over 70. And second childhood now appears to mean a facility with computers. I suspect the masterminds behind anti-capitalist demonstrations are pensioners. Follow the links from anarchist websites, and eventually they all connect back tobowls clubs on the south coast. This is perhaps why New Labour now sees the pension-receiving community as a threat. Before Blair, Labour strategists would fret that anything smacking of permissiveness would scare off older voters. So Patricia Hewitt would warn Neil Kinnock that anything to do with gays would give the elderly a touch of the vapours. Clearly the reality is that old people cannot be shocked. Everyone over 70 has done more or less everything that might potentially shock and has witnessed things that make modern life look likean episode of Peak Practice. The realisation New Labour made this week is that old people have better memories than fortysomethings. Labour might have entered government thinking: "Now what did we come in here for?" but pensioners are entirely clear about what Labour is supposed to do. Old people don't receive 75p with the words: "Heavens,Ecco Casual Mens, 15 shillings, all that lolly just for me? Why, I can put that towards a tin of faggots and still have no change from the government. Bless you, young sir." Old people have memories stretching back before May 2 Year Zero. They are less apt to accept the media consensus that the government simply can't afford to do anything except throw money at public-private partnerships and computers that are supposed to facilitate welfare payments but don't work. Old people have an eye for a bargain as well as being computer literate. They know that if yoursystem keeps crashing there might be a problem with your supplier so you shouldn't just buy another computer from the same bloke. And old people aren't impressed by young men talking down to them. They want what is due to them: a decent state pension rising in line with wages. They can't be fobbed off with repeats; they want to see new money, not stuff that's already been broadcast. The government speaks loudly to them, "All right, dear? We're just going to lift you out of poverty," and then places a tiny cushion under them. Pensioners protest that they are not getting enough to live on,Gucci Sunglasses, and the government replies: "Yes you are dear, it says so on your chart." But pensioners are not convinced. They can do mental arithmetic. They know that if you add figures up they come to more. They know lumpsums and free telly licences are tiny increases made to look generous. They know £20 would be £1,Supra Dixon,040 if multiplied 52, but that at the end of the week it is £20. They know that tax relief doesn't help you if you don't pay tax. They also know a rattled government when they see one. When ministerial briefings lead to front page headlines reading: "Government possibly to do something, some time next year maybe, honest, anyway that's what they told me",Supra Skytop III Shoes, they know there is blind panic in Downing Street. Voters kicked the government up the backside and now hear its pockets jingling. Pensioners are on the march and most of us support them because we have seen the future and it is old. Moreover, we respect the fact that many of these people fought Hitler and Mussolini, unlike Churchill who talked about it. Recent Artcle:
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It's serendipitous that the Supreme Court handed down itslandmark decision whacking the odious Defense of Marriage Act on what is (asthe Democratic National Committee has been pointing out today) the 100thday since the Republican National Committee issued its post-2012autopsy, which, among other things, called for greater inclusiveness on thepart of the GOP.Despite the fact that conservative luminary Ted Olson wasone of theattorneys arguing against California's Proposition 8 and other well-known conservatives (David Koch,Mens Nike Air Max 90, for example) support marriageequality,Nike Air Max 87,the Republican Party isn't about to embrace gay marriage. Butit's going toface a choice in the coming months and yearsregarding how it voices its opposition. Does this become a2004-style frontline issue for the party – willwe get 37DOMA re-enactment votes? – or does it become a second-tier issue,rituallymentioned but without enthusiasm? In other words, the SupremeCourt today openeda new front in the GOP's establishment-versus-basecivil war.[See a collection of political cartoons on gay marriage.]On one side are Republicans worried – a la the RNCpost-mortem –about the party's national viability and its image as anintolerantwhite men's club. They see that U.S. public opinion has passed a tipping point (55percent support same-sex marriage,according to the latest poll from CNN, afigure that is in line withother recent surveys) and understand that, giventhat support formarriage equality is stronger with younger voters, theGOP'sdeficit on the issue is only going to worsen. So, for example, you have conservatives like Carrie Sheffield writingin USA Today that not only is today's Supreme Court decision right on themerits, but also on the politics:Romney … desperately needed young voters voters who supportgaymarriage with an eye popping margin. About 81% of adults under age 30 [are] now supportinggay marriage.Too many young voters (sadly) are uninterested in complexdebates overgovernment balance sheets, trade deficits and sequesters. The political right has compelling,Affliction Shorts, bold arguments on fiscal issues, buttheirarguments against gay marriage ring hollow for most Millennials.And sincehomosexuality cuts across every socio-economic metric, it'seasy for youngvoters to be personally aggrieved by the GOP's platformdenying marriageequality to their cousin, friend or grandparent.Independents also favor gay marriage, with 62% backing theidea. In the words of the GOP's own 2012post-mortem,Nike Zoom Kobe VI,"devastatingly we have lost the ability to be persuasivewith, orwelcoming to, those who do not agree with us on every issue." Independent voters are key to Republicans' future relevance, and gaymarriageis now a reality that party leaders cannot afford to obstruct.And Republicans who want to avoid a big fight on this don't necessarily support gay marriage; they simply don't see the upside ofvocallypushing an issue that's increasingly unpopular with thecountry. So HouseRepublican leaders – who spent millions of thetaxpayers' dollars on thisfight – gavea ritualistic, if somewhat muted response to the ruling today.[See a collection of political cartoons on the Republican Party.]On the other side are the culture war dead-enders, themembers of theconservative media-entertainment complex and base voters whohavenever gotten over the idea that America is an inherently conservative country.Their response was anything but muted. Rush Limbaugh, forexample,Nike Air Force 1 Supreme, said that the ruling reflected the "disintegrationof the United States"; Glenn Beck said that this decision will leadto polygamy; Fox Radio's Todd Starnes tweeted that soon "they[will] outlaw the Bible as hate speech"; former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabeeemailed supporters saying that hisfirst reaction to the ruling was that "Jesuswept," and that theSupreme Court had made itself bigger than god (never mindthat for itsfirst millennium theChristian church left marriage up to the state);the American PrinciplesProject's Maggie Gallagher issued a statementsaying that this ruling "is theRoe v. Wade of this generation, notthis generation's Brown v. the Board ofEducation," because it thwartedpopular will (never mind that Brown thwartedpopular will in the Southas well).Oh boy, do they want a fight. Ralph Reed, the Christianconservativeactivist who has been fighting this fight since DOMA was signed,toldPolitico that evangelicals will lookto the Congress for legislation to counter this decision.And what that wingof the party wants, that wing of the party gets.Witness the vote in the U.S.House earlier this month to ban abortionslater than 20 weeks and the Texasstate bill that would do the samething that state Democratic Sen. Wendy Davis filibusteredyesterday, not to mention ultrasound bills that conservatives in otherstates have passed or are trying to pass.[Take the U.S. News Poll: Was the Supreme Court Right on Gay Marriage?]The party is facing the prospect of this issue becoming anongoingreminder to young and swing voters that the GOP reputation for intolerance is well deserved.And that's just in the run-up to the 2016 presidentialprimaries. "Any Republican who runs forpresident will have to support [theparty's opposition to gay marriage]," theNational Organization forMarriage's Brian Brown told Politico. "He will losein the primary ifhe does not. Period." Note the assumption that any Republicanrunningfor president will be a "he" … but that's another issue.And prominent Iowa conservative organizer Bob Vander PlaatstoldPolitico that he and his followers intend to keep the issue prominent in the presidential selection process, vowing not to let candidates use a"let thestates decide" dodge. "I view marriage and abortion much likeI view slavery.If slavery is wrong in Massachusetts I believe it'salso wrong in Iowa. Ibelieve if abortion's wrong, abortion's wrong,"he said. "It's going to be anissue going into 2016."Please, please,Air Max Fitsole, please: Will whoever is moderatingRepublican debates running up to the Iowa caucuses please ask the candidates whether marriage equality is akin toslavery?Read Pat Garofalo: Supreme Court Conservative Hypocrisy on DOMA and Voting Rights ActRead Lara Brown: Ed Markey Defeats Gabriel Gomez in Massachusetts Senate RaceCheck outU.S. News Weekly, now available on iPad Recent Artcle:
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Scientists worry about the ecological implications of reviving extinct species such as the Tasmanian tiger,Mens Air Max 2013, which went extinct in 1936.The way some scientists have been talking over the past few months, humans could one day be hiking around the forest and run into a Neanderthal hunting a woolly mammoth as synthetic biologists have been kicking the tires on reviving long-extinct species.[PHOTOS: 10 Species That Could Be Brought Back From Extinction]While much time has been spent discussing how it would be done,Tampa Bay Rays Hats, what species would make viable candidates for "de-extinction" and whether or not it would be ethical to revive a species, there has been little talk about how species would be reintroduced into the wild.But environmentalists are increasingly seeing genetic engineering as a possible solution to some of the problems they are seeing. When species conservation efforts fail, some see resurrection as the next best thing."Some of my colleagues think it should be called resurrection ecology, but the word conservation itself has no intrinsic meaning that has remained the same throughout the course of its use," says Kent Redford, a conservational biologist who is helping to organize a conference in London next week to discuss the potential benefits and consequences of synthetic biology. "I'm not a traditionalist who believes there's only one thing called conservation."At a de-extinction event hosted at the National Geographic Museum in Washington, D.C. last month, speakers suggested more than 25 plants and animals that would make good "potentially revivable species," including the dodo, the woolly mammoth, mastodon and saber-toothed cat. Candidates should be judged on whether their original habitat is intact or restorable,Affliction Men's, whether the extinction was recent and whether the species is "iconic, beloved [or] missed."[PHOTOS: The Best Animal Photos of 2012]Scientists also think species should be considered for de-extinction if "rewilding the species [is] workable for the habitat." That's one of the questions Redford and other conservationists say is most important. If an ecosystem has significantly changed since a species went extinct,New Era Winter caps, a reintroduced species could wreak havoc on existing species, creating "invasive species from the past," Redford says.Redford suggests that scientists can use "bio domes"—self-contained mini ecosystems—to judge how a resurrected species would interact with existing ones. If species are reintroduced under "extremely controlled conditions," scientists can predict whether or not it's safe to reintroduce the species to the larger environment.While cloning and de-extinction gets the most attention from the public, synthetic biologists are quick to point out that there are many other uses of DNA engineering that don't involve cloning. They are working on technology that would allow bacteria to create biofuels or synthetic versions of naturally-occurring substances such as palm oil, a substance used in cooking, plastics and cosmetics. Redford says palm farms have been a "major driver of deforestation" in Southeast Asia,Nike Air HyperShox, where large swaths of forests have been cleared to grow the plants. He says that bacteria farms that create palm oil could take up much less space and allow the forest there to be revitalized.Redford says the idea of de-extinction raises public awareness of synthetic biology, so they may be more receptive to its other uses.[PHOTOS:Annual Weighing of the Zoo Animals]"The issue of restoring extinct species is a very small part of the conversation that needs to take place. But it serves as a strange attractor because it piques people's imaginations," he says. "It has the ability to give hope to people,Lee Jeans, to let them know that we are capable of the human ingenuity to make things better."Some synthetic biologists disagree. Jay Keasling, director of the Synthetic Biology Engineering Research Center at the University of California, Berkeley, says synthetic biologists have to be "measured about what [they] say in the media" and that people will be "up in arms" if scientists start discussing cloning Neanderthals."I think as scientists we owe it to the public to be careful about what we talk about," he says. "There's a lot of things we can do now that will really benefit people and solve enormous problems."More News:Ancient Extinct Lizard Named After President ObamaDrones Will Soon Monitor Endangered Animals in AfricaPhotos: Animals in the NewsJason Koebler is a science and technology reporter for U.S. News & World Report. You can follow him on Twitter or reach him at jkoebler@usnews.Read more stories by Jason KoeblerYou might be interested in...Obama Behind the ScenesGun Control CartoonsNorth Korea Cartoons Recent Artcle:
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A young boy rests by a large picture of former South African President Nelson Mandela placed by the Union Building in Pretoria,Monster Energy Hats, South Africa,Affliction Bags, Friday June 28, 2013. (Jerome Delay/AP)JOHANNESBURG (AP) — South Africans are preparing to celebrate the 95th birthday of Nelson Mandela on Thursday,Nike Zoom Kobe VI, even as the former president remains critically ill in a hospital.The Nelson Mandela Center of Memory and other groups have asked people to volunteer 67 minutes to charity in honor of what they say are the 67 years that Mandela served his community. The United Nations has also recognized the anti-apartheid leader's birthday as an opportunity to honor his legacy,Dsquared2 Jeans, and activities are planned around the globe.[PHOTOS: Nelson Mandela's Barren Prison Cell in South Africa]President Jacob Zuma will mark the occasion by overseeing the donation of houses to poor families in the Pretoria area.Mandela was admitted to a Pretoria hospital on June 8 for a recurring lung infection.More News:President Obama Heads to South AfricaSouth Africa Celebrates Mandela's 94th BirthdayPhotos: Protests Rage in BrazilCopyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published,Affliction Online Exclusives, broadcast,Coogi jeans men's, rewritten or redistributed.You might be interested in...Obama Behind the ScenesGun Control CartoonsNorth Korea Cartoons Recent Artcle:
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Hester Peirce is asenior research fellow at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University. Priorto that, she served as counsel for the Securities and Exchange Commission andthe Senate Banking Committee.Richard Cordray on April 23 will present the semiannualreport of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (CFPB) to the SenateBanking Committee. Cordray,Affliction Men's, who was appointed by President Obama to be the bureau'sdirector, will likely use the opportunity to remind the senators how frequentlyhe appears before them to testify. However, neither the Senate nor the Americanpeople should be duped into believing that, by virtue of his frequent trips tothe Hill, he is accountable to them or anyone else.Although the CFPB has more than one thousand employees,Affliction Women's, allof thebureau's broad powers over providers of consumer financial products and services ultimately reside with its director. He has the authority toset thebudget, write rules, issue guidance, guide examinations, andbring enforcementactions.The president is only able to remove thedirector for inefficiency,neglect of duty, or malfeasance in office.All Congress can do is ask thedirector questions and hope he answersthem.Suggestionsthat the bureau's structure be revisited to ensure that its structural abnormalities do not harm consumers have been rejected. According tosome opponentsof change, holding the consumer agency accountable wouldbe anti-consumer. Buta few examples drawn from the semi-annual reportsuggest the opposite – failingto have structural accountabilitymechanisms in place is not actually serving consumerswell.[See a collection of political cartoons on the budget and deficit.]The report emphasizes the bureau's interest in data, particularly consumer-level data. In fact, the CFPB "continually gathers data and information about consumers' behaviors, choices and experiences whenthey shopfor financial products." As a recent Bloomberg articleexplains, these data collection efforts include asking banks forinformation abouttheir customers, buying supplemental consumer datafrom credit reportingcompanies, and collecting consumer-level mortgagedata. Entrusting these records to an unaccountable regulatorraisesconcerns for consumers.Consumers should also be concerned about the bureau'sexaminations,Diesel Skinny Jeans,which are likely to lead to higher prices for financial products.Thesemiannual report touts the CFPB's "highlyqualified and diverseexamination staff that has broad experience in planningand conductingexaminations of financial institutions and businesses." However,arecent letterfrom the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to Cordray states, "While severalcompanieshave reported good experiences with individual examiners orexamination teams,Dsquared2 Jeans,the majority have reported that the examinationprocess is confusing,unnecessarily duplicative, inconsistent, andopen-ended." Even more troubling,the chamber's letter reported thatregulatory obligationsare being imposed on the fly duringroutine examinations of firms.[Read the U.S. News Debate: Should the Senate Have Passed an Online Sales Tax?]The semiannual report included another instance of backdoor rulemaking, this time in the form of an enforcement action and guidance announced by tweet. On July 18, 2012, Cordray hinted on Twitter at an enforcement action related to credit card add-on products: "We areputtingcompanies on notice that these deceptive practices are againstthe law and willnot be tolerated." A bulletin released the same dayset forth the bureau's"expectations" that credit card issuers wouldimplement the specified proceduresto limit "the potential for statutory or regulatory violations" in connection with credit cardadd-onproducts such as identity theft protection.According to onesubsequent report, the result of the CFPB's new standards may be fewer options forconsumers, aconsequence that could have been identified if thestandards had been developedthrough a rulemaking process.Consumer finance providers,Adidas Basketball Shoes, confronted by the bureau'sundisciplined,Diesel Corduroy Jeans,non-transparent approach to regulation, will be too busy tryingtofigure out how to please the unpredictable and quixotic CFPB to meet the needs of consumers. Periodic appearances before Congress are nosubstitute forthe real accountability that serious structural changes –such as a balancedboard and an appropriated budget – would provide.Read David Brodwin: Trans-Pacific Partnership Is a Bad Trade DealRead John Vogel: Office Space Affects Company ProductivityCheck out U.S. News Weekly, now available on iPad Recent Artcle: